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    Business start-up from unemployment, ALG1 or ALG2

    Business start-up from unemployment, ALG1 or ALG2

    With an AVGS our consultation is free of charge for you. If you are supported by the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA), you will receive a subsidy of 50% on our consulting services. Talk to us before you apply for subsidies! Then your chances of success are greater.

    start-up grant consulting


    Make it easier for yourself to get started! Benefit from our expertise.

    We help you to convince your intermediary of your business idea and focus on the following points:

    • Are you an entrepreneur or are you on the way to becoming one?
    • Do they have professional skills?
    • Is your business model fully explained, coherent and convincing?
    • Are the earnings from self-employment sufficient to cover the cost of living?
    start-up grant consulting

    With an activation and placement voucher (AVGS), our advice is free of charge for you. So you don’t have to pay anything for advice on start-up support, financing and the creation of the business plan. If you have a start-up idea and are currently looking for a job, then you have a good chance of receiving the activation and placement voucher. It is best to contact us right away. We support you in all steps of your self-employment. Talk to us before you apply for funding! Then your chances of success are greater.



    You have already taken the first step towards your future life as an entrepreneur with your business idea. But in the business world you need many other qualities to start successfully and to survive times of crisis. After all, you don’t want your ship to capsize immediately after the first storm!

    Many entrepreneurial qualities develop in the course of doing business. You will learn something new every day, you will also be shaken up a lot – but you will always get up and emerge stronger from the crisis. That is what makes a successful entrepreneur.

    With the AVGS voucher, we coach founders towards a promising self-employment. And we support you in the application process as well as in a convincing presentation of why:

    • You are or will be an entrepreneurial personality.
    • You have exactly the right professional skills for your plan.
    • Your business model is promising.
    • ou can make a living from self-employment in the future.


    Application for start-up subsidy from ALG1

    The person who decides on your application for a start-up grant will get an idea of your personality, your professional qualifications and the prospects of success of your business idea. After all, the aim of the subsidy is to ensure that you will be able to make a good living from your self-employment in the foreseeable future. The better prepared you are for these interviews, the greater your chances of receiving the start-up funding. With the AVGS voucher, we coach founders. After the coaching, you will have all the skills and knowledge you need for your self-employment.


    The business plan as the heart of your start-up phase

    Your business plan is a valuable guide for you. When we talk to you about the contents, you become more aware of many things – just by saying them. You will understand connections even better and with a good, honest business plan you will have a clear vision for your entrepreneurial future. A vision that is worthwhile!

    The business plan is also an important document for the employment agency and other potential financiers, which contributes significantly to the decision-making process. You can see how important a convincing business plan is. So it is only logical to have the business plan drawn up with professional support.

    With a convincing business plan, you start the discussions with your agent in a completely different way. Data and facts give you security and strengthen your self-confidence. A transparent, complete execution of the business plan has a positive effect on the assessment by your intermediary. With the activation and placement voucher, our services for creating your business plan are 100% free.

    start-up grant consulting
    The business start-up subsidy for ALG 1 recipients

    If you are still entitled to unemployment benefits for at least 150 days, you can apply for a start-up grant from the Employment Agency. If your application is approved, you will receive the subsidy for up to 15 months. In the first 6 months, you will receive an additional sum of 300 euros on top of the normal unemployment benefit 1. You can receive this 300 Euro for another 9 months if you prove that you need the money for social security. You provide proof of this in your business plan.

    The start-up grant from the employment agency is an optional benefit, i.e. a matter of personal discretion. You have no legal claim to it. It is therefore all the more important that you prepare yourself perfectly for the talks with the decision-maker.

    start-up grant consulting
    Start-up money and investment subsidy from ALG 2

    Even if you receive unemployment benefit 2, i.e. Hartz IV, you can apply for subsidies to start your own business. With the start-up allowance, you receive 24 months of support – in addition to the standard benefit. The amount of the subsidy is usually 50% of the standard benefit. In addition, there is also the chance of an investment grant of up to 5,000 euros. This investment grant is used for the purchase of operating equipment, vehicles, business equipment, etc.

    A prerequisite is that you must work at least 15 hours per week on a full-time basis in your planned self-employment. Here, too, the office checks the viability of your business idea and whether you are personally suitable for self-employment.

    Make your start-up easier! Profit from our expertise.

    We accompany and support you every step of the way. For a good start and successful self-employment.